Imp. Exam Guidelines

All these details are already given on website, in student portal and will be provided on exam portal also:


Online Exam Time For SEM-1: Afternoon - 12 PM to 3 PM (IST)- This Exam Portal will be Activated at 12 PM and Closed at 3 PM (IST) Total Three Hours.

Semester 1 (S.1)
1 Descriptive Exam

(Paper 1)

S. 1 10 Questions – 100 Mark

(One Hour time limit)

Minimum 10 lines / Imp. Points for passing score.

Advanced Diploma, PG Diploma and All other Certifications (Having duration up to 6 months)

2 Case Study

(Paper 2)

S. 1 2 Questions – 100 Mark

(One Hour time limit)

Minimum 50 lines for passing score.

3 Assignment

(Paper 3)

S. 1 1 Assignment – 100 mark

(Submit before first Exam)

Minimum 15 pages for passing score.

Semester 2 (S.2)
4 Project : Poster Presentation

 (Paper 4)

S. 2 1 Question / Topic - 100 Mark Hard copy / Physical Poster (Min. Size A3 / 297 mm x 420 mm / 29.7 cm x 42 cm) should be submitted on provided topic.

For PG Diploma and All other Certifications (Having duration more than 6 months)

5 Case Study : PPT

(Paper 5)

S. 2 1 Question / Case - 100 Mark PowerPoint Presentation (Min 20 to Max. 30 slides in each PPT / .PPTX file - Soft copy) should be submitted on case example.
6 Assignment

(Paper 6)

S. 2 1 Assignment – 100 mark

(Submit before Second Exam )

Minimum 15 pages for passing score.


Only International students can submit online poster while all indian student has to submit hard copy of poster


IMP.: Five Descriptive Exam Questions for 100 Marks having equal marks for all questions i.e. 20 Marks for each question. 

For descriptive answers write or type min. 10 points / line for passing score (50 %), more effective, accurate and detailed answer will get maximum score.

Please write / type answers according to their maximum marks e.g. Case Study is for 100 Marks, so answers should be accordingly (More than 50 lines). Case Study Paper is Case Example on related area / topic. (Complete solved case example with details and procedures). Other descriptive questions having equal scores. For first sem there is only one case study question for 100 Marks and for Second Sem. there are two questions / sub-questions having total 100 marks (50 + 50 Marks).

All questions are compulsory and there are no optional questions. All answers along with detailed information, procedures, examples, proper relevant and accurate content is expected for maximum score.

Short answers may result in very low score. You have count time limit after login to specific page.


ASSIGNMENTS: Do not submit Short assignments, Assignment should be at least 15 to 30 pages (600 to 700 Lines) to get passing score (One Side - A4 Pages), It should not be less than 15 pages or more than 50 pages. Always refer all assignment guidelines from student portal. Assignments can be submitted any time but before respective exam day only. Assignment submitted after exam will not be considered for evaluation. 


Always backup your descriptive answers and Case Study Answers in Microsoft Word File or Note Pad. Every Answer must be backuped before submission. Do not wait for all answer backups, backup each answer separately and immediately before proceeding to next question.


IFS is not responsible for any losses due to unavailable of time, disconnection of internet, electricity, hacking of email id, unavailability of proper knowledge of computer / internet, misuse of email id, misuse of your login key by someone, late fee payment and other conditions mentioned in Rules, Regulations, FAQ, Terms and Conditions on our websites- and


These are just basic guidelines, please visit stduent portal and exam portal for detailed and more guidelines + rules. 


For any query / help or support: always submit new ticket from or or 

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Date added:
9-Nov-2013 2:52pm
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